Post-project reporting is an important part of project planning. By evaluating the effectiveness of a project’s processes, the project management team can refine its approach to future work and improve delivery time, quality, and profitability.  Detailed post-project reporting helps identify key areas for improvement; in addition, maintaining detailed project reports allows the project management team compare previous projects to determine if new systems are being implemented well and having the desired results.

Post-project reporting can also be important in regards to company filings and discussions with public service commissions.  Detailed, accurate reports provide the information necessary to determine total costs for each element of a project, to identify company spending for specific technologies, and to show the prudency of project spending.  CB&A knows that these reports are necessary at a project’s conclusion and maintains the records needed throughout the duration of the project to produce quality post-project reports for our clients.

As a consultant, analyzing a project after it has launched benefits the client by identifying possible future issues and helping to assess the success of their systems, but it also helps CB&A to review each project in order to provide the best, most up-to-date advice and systems management for our future clients.

  • CB&A will produce final reports, including cost, schedule, and work measurement reports.
  • CB&A conducts appropriate review meetings (lessons learned) to help clients assess the functionality of their projects and processes.